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== Zdroje ==
== Zdroje ==
*Chapman, A., Morgan, R. Smith and Petersen, R. (eds), (1999): Consumption, Population, and Sustainability : Perspectives from Science and Religion, Island Press, Washington DC.
*UNFPA (Annual) [http://www.unfpa.org/swp/swpmain.htm The State of the World Population Annual Report], United Nations Population Fund, New York.

== Odkazy ==
UNESCO (2002): Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Future. Version 3.0 [http://www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/theme_c/uncofrm_c.htm Population and Development]
=== Externí odkazy ===
*[http://www.unfpa.org/worldwide Indikátor na stránkách UNFPA]
*UNFPA (1997): Population and Sustainable Development: Five Years after Rio, New York.
*[http://www.unfpa.org/about/links.htm Odkazy na více než 60 mezinárodních, národních a nevládních (NGO) stránek o Populaci a rozvoji]
*[http://www.un.org/popin/ Informační síť o populaci OSN (United Nations Population Information Network – POPIN)]
*[http://www.unfpa.org/ Fond pro populaci OSN (United Nations Population Fund – UNFPA)]
*[http://www.unfpa.org/intercenter/ Interaktivní centrum o populaci UNFPA (Interactive Population Centre)]

=== Literatura ===
*UNESCO (2002): Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Future. Version 3.0 [http://www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/ Population and Development]
*UNFPA (1997): Population and Sustainable Development: Five Years after Rio, New York.
*Baudot, B. Sundberg, Moomaw, W. and Sadik, N. (eds) (1999): People and Their Planet: Searching for Balance, St Martins Press, New York.
*Baudot, B. Sundberg, Moomaw, W. and Sadik, N. (eds) (1999): People and Their Planet: Searching for Balance, St Martins Press, New York.
*Brown, L., Gardner, G. and Halweilm B. (1999): Beyond Malthus: Nineteen Dimensions of the Population Challenge, W.W. Norton, New York.
*Brown, L., Gardner, G. and Halweilm B. (1999): Beyond Malthus: Nineteen Dimensions of the Population Challenge, W.W. Norton, New York.
*Chapman, A., Morgan, R. Smith and Petersen, R. (eds), (1999): Consumption, Population, and Sustainability : Perspectives from Science and Religion, Island Press, Washington DC.
*Demeny, P. and McNicoll, G. (1998): The Reader in Population and Development, St Martins Press, New York.
*Demeny, P. and McNicoll, G. (1998): The Reader in Population and Development, St Martins Press, New York.
*Engelman, R. (1997): Why Population Matters, International edition, Population Action International, Washington DC.
*Engelman, R. (1997): Why Population Matters, International edition, Population Action International, Washington DC.
*Freeman, J., Gupte, P. and Silverstein, L. (1999): All of Us: Selections on Population and Development, Earth Times Foundation, New York.
*Freeman, J., Gupte, P. and Silverstein, L. (1999): All of Us: Selections on Population and Development, Earth Times Foundation, New York.
*Jiggins, J. (1994): Changing the Boundaries: Women-Centered Perspectives on Population and the Environment, Island Press, Washington DC.
*Jiggins, J. (1994): Changing the Boundaries: Women-Centered Perspectives on Population and the Environment, Island Press, Washington DC.
*UNESCO (1999): Education and Population Dynamics: Mobilising Minds for a Sustainable Future, UNESCO, Paris.
*UNESCO (1999): Education and Population Dynamics: Mobilising Minds for a Sustainable Future, UNESCO, Paris.

*UNFPA (Annual) [http://www.unfpa.org/swp/swpmain.htm The State of the World Population Annual Report], United Nations Population Fund, New York.
== Odkazy ==
=== Externí odkazy ===
[http://hdr.undp.org/reports/global/2001/en/indicator/indicator.cfm?File=index.html Indikátory lidského rozvoje]
[http://www.unfpa.org/links/links.htm Odkazy na více než 60 mezinárodních, národních a nevládních (NGO) stránek o Populaci a rozvoji]
[http://www.unescap.org/pop/data_sheet/data99.htm Populační a rozvojové indikátory pro Asii a oblast Pacifiku, 1999]
[http://www.un.org/popin/ Informační síť o populaci OSN (United Nations Population Information Network – POPIN)]
[http://www.unfpa.org/ Fond pro populaci OSN (United Nations Population Fund – UNFPA)]

[http://www.unfpa.org/modules/intercenter/index.htm Interaktivní centrum o populaci UNFPA (Interactive Population Centre)]

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