Charta Země (anglicky: Earth Charter) je deklarace základních etických principů pro vytváření udržitelné a mírumilovné globální společnosti v 21. století. Snaží se o inspirování všech lidí novým pocitem globální provázanosti a sdílené zodpovědnosti pro vytváření blahobytu napříč celou lidskou rodinou, povzbuzení komunitního života a budoucí generace. Je to vize naděje a volání po činech.[1] Vyzývá lidstvo k vytvoření celosvětového partnerství v kritickém momentě našich dějin. Etická vize na které je Charta založena navrhuje schválení konzensu, že různá témata environmentální ochrana, lidská práva, spravedlivý lidský rozvoj a život v míru jsou vzájemně neoddělitelně propojeny. Charta se snaží o zprostředkování nového úhlu promýšlení a řešení těchto témat. Iniciativa Charta Země (The Earth Charter Initiative) je organizací ustanovenou na podporu Charty Země.

The Earth Charter is centrally concerned with the transition to sustainable ways of living and sustainable human development. Ecological integrity is one major theme. However, the Earth Charter recognizes that the goals of ecological protection, the eradication of poverty, equitable economic development, respect for human rights, democracy, and peace are interdependent and indivisible. It provides, therefore, a new, inclusive, integrated ethical framework to guide the transition to a sustainable future.

The Earth Charter is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values. The Earth Charter project began as a United Nations initiative, but it was carried forward and completed by a global civil society initiative. The Earth Charter was finalized and then launched as a people’s charter in 2000 by the Earth Charter Commission, an independent international entity.

The drafting of the Earth Charter involved the most inclusive and participatory process ever associated with the creation of an international declaration. This process is the primary source of its legitimacy as a guiding ethical framework. The legitimacy of the document has been further enhanced by its endorsement by over 4,500 organizations, including many governments and international organizations.

In the light of this legitimacy, an increasing number of international lawyers recognize that the Earth Charter is acquiring the status of a soft law document. Soft law documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are considered to be morally, but not legally, binding on state governments that agree to endorse and adopt them, and they often form the basis for the development of hard law.

At a time when major changes in how we think and live are urgently needed, the Earth Charter challenges us to examine our values and to choose a better way. At a time when international partnership is increasingly necessary, the Earth Charter encourages us to search for common ground in the midst of our diversity and to embrace a new global ethic that is shared by an ever-growing number of people throughout the world. At a time when education for sustainable development has become essential, the Earth Charter provides a very valuable educational instrument.


Informace o tomto tématu lze nalézt také v článku Earth Charter na anglické Wikipedii.



  • Proposing an "Earth Charter" (in ten articles) to Guide All Efforts to Protect The Natural Environment of Our Globe, Particularly in Ensuring the Success of The Coming "Earth Summit" That Could Possibly Determine The Destiny of This Earth. Tokyo: Komeito, 1992. 12 s. Komeito Press Release; ser. no. 106.
  • A voice for Earth: American writers respond to the Earth Charter [online]. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, ©2008 [cit. 2014-03-20]. Dostupné z:

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