Odpověď z MediaWiki API

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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            "name": "Ancientpages",
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                    "value": "20080211150237",
                    "timestamp": "2008-02-11T15:02:37Z",
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                    "title": "N\u00e1stroje a metody glob\u00e1ln\u00ed politiky"
                    "value": "20080211150617",
                    "timestamp": "2008-02-11T15:06:17Z",
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                    "title": "Planet\u00e1rn\u00ed technov\u011bda"
                    "value": "20080211150654",
                    "timestamp": "2008-02-11T15:06:54Z",
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                    "title": "Uplatn\u011bn\u00ed syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 teorie"
                    "value": "20080216182628",
                    "timestamp": "2008-02-16T18:26:28Z",
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                    "title": "Politick\u00e1 geografie"
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                    "timestamp": "2008-02-16T19:34:08Z",
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                    "title": "Spole\u010dn\u00e1 obchodn\u00ed politika EU"
                    "value": "20080216204740",
                    "timestamp": "2008-02-16T20:47:40Z",
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                    "value": "20080216205031",
                    "timestamp": "2008-02-16T20:50:31Z",
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                    "title": "Trhy meziprodukt\u016f, slu\u017eeb a technologi\u00ed"
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                    "timestamp": "2008-02-16T20:51:16Z",
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                    "title": "Postsuverenita st\u00e1t\u016f"
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                    "timestamp": "2008-02-17T07:15:46Z",
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                    "title": "Planeta Zem\u011b"
                    "value": "20080217111425",
                    "timestamp": "2008-02-17T11:14:25Z",
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                    "title": "Konference \u010dlensk\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f R\u00e1mcov\u00e9 \u00famluvy o zm\u011bn\u011b klimatu v Kj\u00f3tu"